ICOT College understands your dreams and aspirations, and that is why we also offer exam preparation courses to help you achieve your goal of going to university abroad or improving your language skills to guarantee the best professional opportunities around the world. Our teachers and team are ready to help you on this journey. We adapt to the needs of each new student and aim to be more than just an English school, but also to provide you with the support you and encouragement to help you to achieve your goals!
The Academic IELTS test is for those who are interested in going to college or university here in Ireland or around the world. It is accepted in Canada, Australia, the USA as well as countries in Europe. The test has 4 parts: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.
ISE III is an exam that is also widely accepted by universities in Europe. It’s not quite as academic as the IELTS test. It’s divided into 2 parts: Listening and Speaking, and Reading and Writing.
ISE II has the same structure as ISE III but each of the parts are slightly easier. The language is not as difficult to understand. It’s divided into 2 parts: Listening and Speaking, and Reading and Writing.
The TIE exam is accepted for universities in Ireland but is much less academic than the other exams. You need to do three tasks and record them in a logbook: Carry out a short project on a subject of interest to you,read a book of your choice in English at your level, follow a News Story in the newspapers and/or on TV or radio.
A C2 Proficiency qualification shows the world that you have mastered English to an exceptional level. Preparing for and passing the exam means you have the level of English that’s needed to study or work in a very senior professional or academic environment, for example on a postgraduate or PhD programme. There are 4 parts: Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening and Speaking.
The CAE is more difficult than the FCE. It is designed for students who are looking to achieve a higher level of English. These are students who might be looking to live long-term in an English speaking country. It is also accepted by universities worldwide. There are 4 parts: Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening and Speaking.
The FCE is the most popular Cambridge exam and is accepted by businesses and universities worldwide. There are 4 parts: Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening and Speaking.
A B1 Preliminary qualification shows that you have mastered the basics of English and now have practical language skills for everyday use.
This exam is the logical step in your language learning journey between A2 Key and B2 First.